Become an independent LNF User

We are excited to have you join the LNF! Once you become an LNF user, you can get trained on the individual tools that you need, with the support of our professional staff and your LNF mentor and then access the LNF equipment 24/7/365.

There are several steps required to become an LNF user. The procedure you follow depends on whether you are an internal user from U-M, an external user from another U.S. academic institution, or an external user from a non-academic or foreign institution. If you are starting a new project or are part of a research group or company that hasn’t used LNF before, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss your research project and processing needs before starting the steps below.

As a new user, you will be assigned a mentor, who will train you on the LNF tools and processes that you need. LNF mentors also review your project and process plans as part of the initial access discussions and make recommendations – both before and during the project – to help you become as efficient and productive as possible. The mentor can be a senior user in your research group or an LNF staff member, depending on your situation and needs.

If you are a currently active user of another academic nanofabrication facility, please contact us at [email protected] so that we can discuss how to accelerate your onboarding to the LNF. Through funding provided by the Silicon Crossroads Microelectronics Commons Hub, we are pleased to offer dedicated support for researchers proposing or working on DoD Microelectronics Commons projects.

Students at a football game

Internal User – For students, staff, and faculty at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Flint, and Dearborn).

Lecturer in classroom

External Academic or U.S. Federal Government User – For U.S. academic or government institutions (not U-M).

Researchers look at equipment

External Non-Academic or Foreign User – For non-academic institutions (e.g. companies) or foreign organizations.