Getting in touch
LNF has a dedicated User Services team to support our users. We are glad to talk to you at any stage of your process, whether you are just thinking about your future nanofabrication needs, or whether you are an experienced user looking to meet specific technical requirements. After you contact us, we’ll get in touch right away to discuss how LNF can help advance your research and development! Please use the form linked below or contact us directly at [email protected]
The LNF offers two main modes of usage. First, you can be trained as an independent user and use the LNF yourself with the support of staff members. No prior fabrication experience is necessary. Second, for a fee, LNF staff members can perform nanofabrication process services based on your specifications. This option is typically used for established processes and fabrication steps, and is subject to availability of staff and tool resources. This mode of usage is especially useful for non-local users or for processes that would only be performed once. All process service work is done on a best-efforts basis and the LNF cannot guarantee a particular device or project result.
Additional options include:
- You can work with a third-party external company who can perform the needed fabrication work as a service. These consultants are not affiliated with the LNF, but are authorized, experienced users of the facility who accept contract work for fabrication projects and consultations.
- You can initiate a collaboration or sponsored research project with a U-M faculty member whose group already uses the LNF.
If you are interested in these options, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss details or click the button below to fill out our contact form.